Author Archives: Ginni
Life changes
Nederlandse vertaling onderaan Important decision In 2023, I put a lot of energy into the Rites of Passage workshops. But there were also two crucial ‘fault lines’ in the form of two trips to the US; the first to care … Continue reading
Stillness, observation and reflection
Nederlandse vertaling onderaan Dear All, I left for the US with the intention of staying creative – I brought some items to knit and sew, and of course there is plenty of material in America. However, caring for my parents … Continue reading
Exhibition Concullega’s
This coming weekend is the first of three in which the Concullega’s will show their work together. Although Covid brought live exhibitions to a halt, we met via Zoom, inspired each other and made our own art while also creating … Continue reading
Tender words of kindness
Nederlandse vertaling onderaan Ups and downs in Covid-19, constant adaptations to keep DIY Textile School running during the pandemic, and worries and responsibilities about the care for my elderly parents in the U.S. – it is not a good combination. … Continue reading
Alles op zijn kop
English text below Covid-19 heeft alles op zijn kop gezet. Er zitten heel veel zorgelijke kanten aan, voor de samenleving en voor individuele mensen. Ook ik vind het zwaar; emotioneel – mijn ouders vallen in de risicogroep, ze zijn bejaard, … Continue reading
‘Life is what happens to you, while you’re busy making other plans.’
English text below ‘Het leven is wat je overkomt terwijl jij bezig bent met andere plannen maken,’ schreef John Lennon. Mijn andere plannen – dat zijn mijn kunstprojecten; en ik heb ze even op een laag pitje moeten zetten want … Continue reading
Jeetje, wat heb ik het lekker druk
English translation is below Ik doe de Batik opleiding met Rita Trefois – twee dagen per maand les en huiswerk. Het is soms lastig om mijn andere werk te parkeren en aan de slag te gaan met was. Maar ik … Continue reading
4 x P: Tips for creative growth
(Nederlandse vertaling vind je onderaan de pagina) #1: Put everything to good use (everything) As a teacher at DIY Textile School, creativity is part of my work – like making samples with certain techniques for a class. Until recently, I … Continue reading
Finding the flow
(Nederlandse vertaling vind je onderaan de pagina) August – vacation? There is a pause with no courses at the moment; so time to get cracking again with my own artwork. However! There are always duties that can get in the … Continue reading
Facing Fears
(Nederlandse vertaling vind je onderaan de pagina) Re-reading a previous post from my journal, I noticed my feelings about how I view myself as an artist have changed – again. Life is a process… In the past, I occasionally exhibited … Continue reading
Deconstructed Screen Printing
Op dit moment ben ik volop bezig met de voorbereiding van de workshop Deconstructed Screen Printing met Diane Franklin. Een aantal lezers kent haar vast wel – Diane is gerenommeerd textielkunstenaar. Dit moet je weten over Diane: 1. Diane is een autoriteit … Continue reading
Waar word jij blij van?
Bij de voorbereiding voor werken voor de tentoonstelling bij de Handwerkdagen in Nieuwegein (november 2017), zei een vriendin: ‘Wat geweldig dat je werk daar straks hangt. Je zult wel heel erg blij zijn!’ ‘Mwah, ‘antwoordde ik. ‘Maar het is hartstikke … Continue reading
Explosie van Vreugde
DIY Textile School is een school voor amateurkunst. Veel mensen vinden dat dit een goede plek is om (textiel)kunst te leren maken. Dat is ook zo. Maar het is maar de helft van het verhaal. Innerlijke kracht DIY Textile School … Continue reading
Art, Craft, Design – Kunst, Ambacht, Ontwerp
DIY Textiel School is een school voor textielkunst. maar is aangesloten aan bij de Crafts Council Nederland. Dat komt doordat kunst en ambacht – Arts & Crafts is in het Engels – alles met elkaar te maken hebben.
Contact met de plek diep in jezelf
Ook de komende week heb ik individuele gespreken met de Textile Art studenten, zowel de eerste als de tweedejaars. Net als afgelopen week. Samen met de begeleider praten we over verwachtingen, dromen en de vorderingen in het creatieve proces. We … Continue reading
Tijd om te regelen, te denken, te dromen!
Vandaag wil ik graag vertellen waarom ik dit blog – dat enige jaren een slapend bestaan heeft geleid – weer op opgepakt. Als ik terugkijk naar wat er met DIY Textile School bereikt is, word ik blij: er is zoveel … Continue reading
Fantastische diersculpturen
Goede voornemens voor 2017? Nou en of! Voor mij is het nieuwe jaar een uitstekende aanleiding om het bloggen weer op te pakken. Maar wel met een focus: bezieling. Op deze plek wil ik graag vertellen over de mensen en … Continue reading
Student’s end exhibition – great success!
We enjoyed a positive, inspiring and very busy student exhibition with over 400 visitors in two days. It was a whirlwind experience, setting up on Saturday, and opening on Sunday and 6 hours on Monday.
Nieuwsbrief Voorjaar 2014 & Art Journals Maken
Did you receive your Spring 2014 newsletter? SIGN UP FOR THE NEWSLETTER HERE! OR BETTER YET: Get your creative juices flowing and join us next week in our ART JOURNALING class. We’re going to have let loose and have fun! … Continue reading
Winter 2013 newsletter
Check out our Winter 2013 newsletter hier. If you don’t receive the newsletter, send me an e-mail and I will put you on our list! Thanks! (image: Nel v/d Meijden, Textile Art & Art Quilts 2012)
Exhibition success
Despite the buckets of rain last Sunday – 13 October 2013, we still had a great showing of 200 people to the first student exhibition of the 2-year Textile Arts Program. Among the guests were Boukje Mulder, editor of Handwerken … Continue reading
Diversity in Fiber Art student exhibition
The new season at DIY Textile has begon. The 2012 Textile Art group returned for the 2nd year of their program. The new 2013 Textile Art groups start this week! But best of all, the 2011 Textile Art group will … Continue reading
Lace and Linen
I visited the Lace museum yesterday for the exhibit Schitterend geplooied. It was very interesting – definitely worth a visit. Although there was much to see, especially in regards to the amazing handwork of the Chinese Miao and Dong people, … Continue reading
Stitch Art 2013 – Complete – KLAAR!
We had a great journey with Cherilyn Martin over the last six months. Using mixed media and stitch, students completed many beautiful works of art. Here are just a few to capture the memories. Thank you again Cherilyn! And job … Continue reading
Open Atelierdagen: A success
Thanks to all the DIY Textile students who shared their artwork during the Open Atelierdagen! It was a good mix of various techniques, materials, and formats, as you can see for yourself.
Natural dyeing
I spent the day with a friend testing some new natural dye pigments. While I mordanted my cotton fabric, A. was preparing an Indigo vat for her woolen and silk yarns. Thanks A. for a fun day! Want to do … Continue reading
Amazing Stitches
In last weeks Stitch Art class, Cherilyn Martin supported students in transforming their practice stitches, into mini artworks. I’m so curious to see what amazing works of art will be created by our 6th and last lesson! Here are just … Continue reading
Finding my center
In running a business, I find myself with constant chatter in my brain of things to do, people to talk to, visions to consider, e-mails to write, etc. Sometimes, I just need to go for walks and find my center. … Continue reading
Stedelijk visit, paper-fabric collage, and more!
Johanna Wroblewska gave a hands-on tour at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. Our Textile Arts students explored various aspects of modern art to improve their knowledge of composition and design.
Stitch Art & Mixed Media classes
It was a busy week last week. Cherilyn Martin taught her second class in the Stitch Art Series and it was amazing! The students were incredibly busy creating different backgrounds for their future embroidery projects. Check out these two wonderful … Continue reading
Jette Clover & Markmaking
As part of the 2 year Textile Art program, Jette Clover came and gave a lesson on Markmaking. But of course before we started anew, we reviewed the masks everyone completed after Mirjam Pet-Jacobs enthusiastic Collage and Maskers class. I’ve … Continue reading
Mixed Media & Surface Design 2013
The first Mixed Media & Surface Design course started with fabric dyeing and designing our own stamps. Stay tuned to see our results!
2 year Textile Art program
Every month three classes meet as part of a 2 year Textile Art Program – 45 students in total are taking part in learning about Art and Design using textiles or fibers as their medium. Let’s take a look at … Continue reading
Trotse 2e jaars student – Proud 2nd year student
Students have many opportunities to explore and experiment. Each meeting we discuss the work and offer feedback. Irma’s composition is a success in many ways. How would you interpret Impermanence or Transience? Why not join us in 2013 in our … Continue reading
Verven, batik en nog meer
Wat een leuke dag gehad met Els van Baarle. Met batik was, verf en nog wat kan je je stof heel mooie bewerken!
Mixed Media 10 week course
It is hard to believe the 10 week course is over and I haven’t posted one photo since it began. Here is a quick review of what’s been going on since the Open Dag! Early in the program we dyed … Continue reading
Open Dag een succes!
About time for a new post! The Open Dag was a success despite ice, snow and transportation problems. Here is a sampling of the day! If you missed it…the next Open Dag is during the Open Ateliersdag Westelijke Eilanden (26 … Continue reading
Certification and Open Dag
Exciting news! Kunstkeur has approved DIY Textile School for certification. AND… MARK YOUR CALENDAR! 10 – 17:00 Saturday, 4 February is our OPEN DAY! The flyer will be in the mail to you soon or email us for more information! … Continue reading
2 Year Textile Art & Quilt Art Program
Cherilyn Martin joined us for our 3rd class in the 2-year Textile Arts program. It was a busy and successful day mark-making, embroidering by hand and machine and sharing all the creative and inspiring work from the month before. A … Continue reading
Lutrador les met Ineke Berlyn
Yesterday’s class with Ineke Berlyn was jam packed full of new ideas and techniques using Lutrador. We painted, screen printed, fused fabric, and sewed beautiful art pieces. I can’t believe people managed to finish an entire project in one day! … Continue reading
Creative U: Do You Make Sticky Art?
Creative U: Do You Make Sticky Art?
New location – before photos
The contract is signed and moving to the new location is fast on the horizon…but until then, there are lots of chores to be done. Take a look at these two photos. This is the classroom waiting to be reconstructed … Continue reading
Wat is Lutradur en maak je Eigen Landschap met Lutrador
Ginni heeft me gevraagd dit filmpje over Lutrador te plaatsen. Veel plezier en inspiratie gewenst tijdens het kijken! Hierboven een YouTube filmpje dat toont hoe Lutrador te gebruiken is, en wat veel mogelijkheden er zijn. Op 29 november is er … Continue reading
Ineke Poort’s exhibition
Ineke joined us at our clubavond last Thursday and mentioned her upcoming exhibit. Here is the flyer for her show. I recommend a look-see!!! She has some amazing textile art.
First day – Textile Art & Art Quilt program
We had a great a first day in the new Textile Art 2-year program. A group of 15 women joined together in Amsterdam and shared their talents, laughed a lot, and made plans for the coming months.
EU Surface Design Conference – ECOVISION
Join me and others at the EU Surface Design Conference 21-22 October, 2011. It is now open to non-SDA members as well! Karina at Zijdelings has done a great job of lining up some very interesting speakers. Check the link … Continue reading
Textile Arts
A friend of mine sends me very cool blog and design sites related to textiles. It is always inspiring to see how others are creatively thinking about the use of fabrics in very different ways: Soft Maps, Cold comfort and … Continue reading
Handwerkfestijn voor het goede doel
The last two years that I went to this tweedehands beurs I found lots of great things for the school and for my own creativity! For anyone who would like to join me, I will be driving to ‘De Kastanjeboom’ … Continue reading
2 Year Textile Art & Quilt Art Program
I just put a new course up on the DIY website. It is a 2 year program in Textile Arts. I am really excited about it since there are so few programs on offer in this area. It will be … Continue reading
AMS-DIY Urban Arts Festival
Carola and I spent the day at the ABC Treehouse in their annual Urban Arts Festival. DIY had a table to let people know about all the creative skills one can learn at the Textile School. Carola and I were … Continue reading
Fiber Art Club night and AMS*DIY
Hi all, Just wanted to remind you and ask you a couple things. Fiber Art Club This Thursday night 23th of June is Fiber Art Club night at 19:00. I hope you will join us!! Urban arts festival ABC Treehouse … Continue reading
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