Fiber Art Club night and AMS*DIY

Hi all, Just wanted to remind you and ask you a couple things.

Fiber Art Club
This Thursday night 23th of June is Fiber Art Club night at 19:00. I hope you will join us!!

Urban arts festival
ABC Treehouse has organized an urban arts festival and DIY is taking part. Check out this advertisement which is going to 12,000 readers:  AMS*DIY Urban Art & Crafts Event

I hope you will visit me on Sunday, 3 July at my BOOTH/KRAAM.

Speaking of a DIY Textile BOOTH- I would love to share any of YOUR artwork as an example of what we do in our Mixed Media and Art Quilt courses! If you have something you think you could be without for a few days, please let me know. (Stella, your artbook would be great!).

If you can bring it to the club night, I would appreciate it, otherwise if I can, I’ll come around and pick things up. It all depends on what I need and how much I can show. It is a small SPACE!

Sell your art
But, the ABC Treehouse is also providing us SPACE to show crafty artwork the whole month of July. If you have something you made and you might like to sell, under the DIY Textile School name (and yours of course), please let me know and/or bring that to club night as well!

This is great PUBLICITY for DIY so any of your ideas are welcome!

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