Handwerkfestijn voor het goede doel

The last two years that I went to this tweedehands beurs I found lots of great things for the school and for my own creativity! For anyone who would like to join me, I will be driving to ‘De Kastanjeboom’ on Friday, 2 september in search of some goodies.

Want to know more about what you can find? Look in the newest Handwerk Zonder Grenzen (Aug/Sept) under events and take a peak on page 51 where DIY is listed! 🙂

Don’t forget to tell your friends about the weekly Mixed Media and Surface Design class starting 27 september. Also, sign up for the new Textile Arts 2 year program starting 3 October before it’s too late! It will be amazing!

See you all 15 September for Fiber Arts Night!

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